Tuesday, June 24, 2008

International Mail Art Exhibit of Bookmarks
ushers in the summer of

Thanks to the Emily Townsend, Plainsboro resident and artist, the Gallery at Plainsboro Public Library boasts an exhibit of bookmarks created especially for Plainsboro by artists from around the world. Early this year, she sent out letters and posted a call for this show on various websites. The result? Statistically the record is 142 entries from 79 artists, who live in 24 countries, on six continents. The amazing thing is not the numbers, however, but the generosity and enthusiasm of people from all over the world, helping to celebrate the crossroads of culture that occurs in the library, in Plainsboro, and in our individual lives.

Local folks attended a workshop on Tuesday, July 8 from 1-3 to make bookmarks--leaving one in the exhibit, and taking their favorite. 20 0f the top entries are up for silent auction, and will be awarded to the highest bidder at the Library's International Banquet on Saturday, August 2. Check out the Auction array on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnmcy_Di2ss